High Five with Laetitia Sadier (Stereolab)
Laetitia Sadier’s new solo record The Trip will be available on 9/21 on Drag City. Sadier has also teamed back up with Tim Gane, her partner in cult legends Stereolab, to release Not Music, which will hit shelves on 11/16 (also via Drag City).
1. If you were going on a cross country road trip and could bring a long any three people in the world, who would they be and why?
I would bring Cornelius Castoriadis because we could talk about politics, economics, philosophy, psychology, planet earth, the universe, Greek poetry, languages amongst any other subject we could tackle together, and think of ways of placing them into our everyday reality. Buckminster Fuller, and how we could think of revolutionary ways to bring about wellbeing for every one living on our planet. And my friend Marie for spontaneous laughs on the way.
2. What is one album that you feel has changed your life and how?
The Velvet Underground Rock and Roll song has changed my life. It was some how signifying that my life could be changed by rock and roll, in real terms, in real life. Lou Reed was singing about me!
When I play Jorge Ben’s Tabua de Esmeralda, the world stops and I can feel, I am in fully in the present. This is where I want to be.
3. Who are a band that you feel should get more recognition that they do, and why?
Aqua Serge. They are beautifully original and great at what they do, but no ones heard of them, alas.
4. What is your favorite live music memory (performing or attending)?
There are many favorite live music memories… I will mention 2 particularly blissful times where I remember the whole room merging into oness, through a great sense of joy… grooving along to the Boredomes forever surpising deconstructed songs and another time where the same thing happened at a Mouse on Mars gig, and absolutely every body in the room was dancing with a big smile on their face.
5. Finish this sentence: “Minneapolis is a great place to….
Go bowling, have a great pint, dance and watch a fabulous movie, hear some cool music, have a sumptuous dinner, all in one same place!” do you know the place I am referring to?
Laetitia Sadier: Myspace