Lunar Miasma “Expanded Dimesion”

After not hearing from the fine people at Moon Glyph for a little while, the local label is back, but I wouldn’t say it is with a bang. In leau of a bang is the soft, meditative snyth exploration of Greek artist Lunar Miasma. Lunar Miasma (Panos Alexiadis) uses four tracks of drone to stretch out his interplanetary sound and really explore the inner worlds his synths creates. Listen below to the eight minute jam “Expanded Dimesion,” which neither feels rushed nor overdone, and let yourself get wrapped up in the sound. For something created in a country that is on the verge of chaos, it is a peaceful and gentle escape into a kinder, gentler world. If you’re wanting to make the trip, grab the whole tape over at the Moon Glyph website.

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