Mixed Blood Majority: S/T Review
Call it a rarity, or the beginning to an interesting story; so Crescent Moon, Joe Horton and Lazerbeak walk into a music studio…
If you’re not familiar with either of the three lineages in the local scene, all you need to know is that Lazerbeak is part of Doomtree, Joe Horton is best known for his work with No Bird Sing, and Crescent Moon’s history is well told. In all seriousness, they form the Mixed Blood Majority, and have put out a succinctly interesting and to the point album. To try and compare it to either one’s discography would be to do a great disservice to what the overall premise of Mixed Blood Majority is.
Starting with the haunting “Fine Print”, both Crescent Moon and Joe lunge at the beat as Lazerbeak lets the drum bang at the right level and keeps the violins stark enough for your best mystery thriller, whereas “Product From My Company” sounds like something from the RZA’s cutting room floor. Elsewhere, you’ll hear “Still Standing Still”, and will no doubt recognize it as “Bully” from Lazerbeak’s “Lavabangers,” and one of two more upbeat cuts on the disc, whereas the other upbeat tune, “Ritual” features Kristoff Krane, Joe and Crescent trading lines like a game of quick-witted Russian roulette. The lone instrumental interlude exists in “The Ballad of Cedric Ceballos”, which hints at the right amount of melancholy and humor, however switches back into blood-curdling eeriness quickly with the help of Cecil Otter on “Free Up”.
The lesson with Mixed Blood Majority is that sometimes, supergroups don’t need to make sense, they just have to strike with the right dynamic and trajectory, and they actually have to sound like the work of three minds. Mixed Blood Majority works because all three crafted over the same canvas with their ideas, and the result is a consistent project that presents enough oohs and aahs at every turn, and Lazerbeak’s production suits Joe and Crescent Moon perfectly.
Mixed Blood Majority will be celebrating the release of their self-titled album with a release party at the Triple Rock Social Club on Saturday, January 26th. Guante & Big Cats! and LaLiberte will also be playing the release party. The doors will be at 9pm for this 18+ show, and tickets will be $10 in advance and at the door.
-Ali Elabbady (Background Noise Crew, Egypto Knuckles)