New scorched earth burner from Filthy Huns (Nick from Daughters of the Sun) off forthcoming Not Not Fun CS
Filthy Huns is the longtime project of Nick Koenigs, best known locally as 1/3 of the great (former?) local group Daughters of the Sun. While DotS were equally forward-thinking and sonically adventurous, they had a spacier vibe that Filthy Huns, who use the same raw parts but add in a layer of grease and a dusty highway ambiance. Joining Koenigs on the latest Filthy Huns CS is Aaron Steinberg, who adds in some deep psych synths to the brittle drum machines, rattle snake guitar lines, car honks and whacked-out vocals. You can listen below to one of the four tracks on the tape, the nine-minute scorcher “Forever Beast,” which feels heavy without feeling sluggish, powering forward in waves of industrial sound. Looking forward to hearing the whole tape when it drops on Not Not Fun in December.

Writer / co-founder