The God Damn Doo Wop Band: Menage A Prom
Local punk/throwback grrl harmony group The God Damn Doo Wop Band are releasing a new 7” this week, and recently tossed out the first single “Menage A Prom” to the public. It’s a pretty quick little piece of bubblegum pop remeniscient of early sixties groups like the Shangri-La’s and the Chantels (with a slightly harder surf rock edge). As is the genre’s modus operandi, the song deals with angsty teen romance against the backdrop of the ubiquitous high school dance. The hook is catchy enough to stick, but the lyricism only really goes about as emotionally resonant as a high school locker love note.
The God Damn Doo Wop Band are celebrating their split release (with Vacation Bible School) at the Hexagon on March 18th (after the All Ages Soviettes reunion show at Eclipse Records is over)
— Jon Behm
The God Damn Doo Wop Band – Menage A Prom

In wake of Dum Dum Girls, Best Coast at all, it cool to have The God Damn Doo Wop Band back.