Ariel Pink “Round and Round”



I will admit I got a little tired of the “bow at the mantle of Ariel Pink” posts that came out when he released his latest song, “Round and Round.” I do understand that he was basically the guiding light for the vulnerable and fractured but pretty and put-together pop music that seems to be everywhere these days, I just don’t think that should be the pervasive narrative when talking about new material. The past is the past, you know? Stevie Wonder influenced a lot of music and is a stone cold legend, but he still released some real junk in the 80’s. Same goes for almost every band. Reputation doesn’t equal continuing success. That being said, “Round and Round” is an excellent song, jumping between different styles and showing a songwriter confident in both his natural talent and his desire to continue experimenting. I truly believe this song would be getting attention even if Ariel Pink wasn’t, you know, Ariel Pink. Starting off reviews with “he started this shit” type rants only makes it seem like you are making excuse for his current work, which this song most defiantly does not need.

     -Josh Keller

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1 Response

  1. Adam Bubolz says:

    I have been really loving this song.

    Also, the cover art for the single is pretty great:

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