Video: GB Leighton’s Laughable Twins Song
It appears to be the year of poorly conceived sports songs for Minnesota – the newest edition of which is from “arguably the most popular rocker in Minnesota” G. B. Leighton (quote from Leighton’s website). Leighton’s new song/video, which is only viewable here, somehow manages to pretty much be the worst thing ever. If the Twins do well does that mean we will be seeing more of this schlocky half-assed dad rock? If so I kind of hope the team loses every game*
In other news, Martin Zellar is said to be writing a new fight song for the Wild…
* It’s called hyperbole folks, I don’t really want the Twins to lose!
— Jon Behm
Perhaps GB used up all his creative energy when he did that amazing Pizza Hut commercial?
I was really hoping he would start playing the baseball bat like a guitar
thankfully it was sanctioned by Fox Sports North and not actually an official Twins song!
as awful as GB’s song is, it’s not nearly as bad as Scott Stapp’s song for the Marlins:
It’s still better than my vikings song.
GB Leighton is by far the best Twin Cities Musician! This song will catch on and I am sorry for all of you narrow minded people that can not see that this is a great artist! Have you even listened to his work ? Don’t make judements until you unerstand his GREAT WORK.
Thank You
that has got to be a joke right…
your rite, i will not make judement until i unerstand
solace, i dont think u relize jus how TRULY GREAT this video is
He has some good tunes and I used to go and see him back when he was popular. He is still popular? Anyway, the twins tune is horrible.
@Prince- thank you for finally admitting what an abomination you created with that Vikings song. And for making the announcement on Reviler, too.
This is going to put us on the maps, guys! The google maps!
If you want to hear the next Mn. Wild song, “It’s Wild Time”, co-written by Rick Misencik (lyrics) and Geoff Elvee (melody & vocals) go to and let us know what ya think.
@Rick, do you really want us to do that after seeing the wonderful things we’ve said about the other sports themed songs?
We stood there and looked at each other and said, “they cannot be serious, right?” This is the best the Twins can do? I lurch for the remote when I see the damn promo coming. It will be a very long summer on FSN North if they keep using this piece of…. pro-motion.
I’m just embarrssed!! GB who?? I think my dog can howl a tune better that and would be more creative! I’m sorry to hear that they paired GB with the Twins.
I understand what GB Rocker means when he says you have to understand his work. So I listened to it again and IT STILL SUUUUUUCKS!!!!!!