Art A Whirl 2010

(Gay Witch Abortion floating down the Mississippi at last years Art-A-Whirl)

Hipsters, parents, arty people….come one, come all, it is Art-A-Whirl time. While many people will be enjoying the amazing artists that congregate in Northeast, we here at Reviler will be soaking in the fine sounds of all the local music being played at various venues.  The highlights for each day are below, so please leave the many smaller and one-ff shows we neglected and should see in the comments.  Check back for coverage this weekend and next week from what should be an awesome weekend!


Shuga Records presents Hoolie Fest– 70 bands over 3 days (165 13th Ave NE)

The Sample Room presents Creative Electric Studios showcase– Zac Sally and STNNNG on the Mississpi River starting at 8pm. (2124 Marshall Street NE)

331 has the always amazing Skoal Kodiak inside to kick things off at 10pm for the venues Art-A-Whirl weekend.


331 Club- Music outside all day and inside at night.  Local music including Red Pens, Zoo Animal, etc with Rockfurd Mules holding it down at night on the inside stage.  (331 13th Ave NE)

Shuga Records presents Hoolie Fest– 70 bands over 3 days (Saturday outside has a pretty amazing lineup, so if you choose one day, this would probably be it) (165 13th Ave NE)

Grumpys Northeast– Always a fun time with great music.  (2200 4th St NE)

The Sample Room presents Creative Electric Studios showcase– Tonight finds Marijuana Death Squad freaking out the squares from the banks of the Mississpi River starting at 8pm. (2124 Marshall Street NE)


Shuga Records presents Hoolie Fest– 70 bands over 3 days (165 13th Ave NE)

Modern Cafe takes over for 331 in the parking lot they share for one last afternoon of music. (337 13th Ave)

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1 Response

  1. jonbehm says:

    “Soaking in the fine sounds” as well as soaking up all the cheap beer. Huzzah!

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