It should not be taken as a slight to the song “Where I’m Going” by Cut Copy that it was released to the interwebs a few weeks back and I am just now writing about it. For some reason it has just never made it from my headphones into my hands and through my keyboard to a post. It should have. It is a really great song from a band who are long overdue to release the follow up to their amazing 2008 album In Ghost Colours. The first track off their upcoming album, which isn’t going to drop until 2011 (ugh), is the glorious AM pop of “Where I’m Going.” Slightly less dancy than their older material, but just as good. Can’t wait to hear this record.
Cut Copy- Where I’m Going
Dinner Diva: Eating on the move website homemade granola bars
Deseret News (Salt Lake City) July 3, 2010 It never fails that you finally get everyone in the car and someone is hungry. Then again maybe you’re going to be out all day and don’t want to spend a fortune on fast food, even the healthy choices. And maybe you’re going on a road trip and are wondering just how to stay out of the fast food lane.
Whatever the reason for eating on the run, if you plan this type of food the way you would your family’s menu, you and the kids can be eating healthy even if you’ve got some long road trips. go to web site homemade granola bars
If you know that a lot of time in the car is a given, why not keep homemade granola bars, fruit, dried fruit and nuts in your purse? Or a stash of this stuff in a bag you always take with you in the car, kind of like the diaper bag, but this one fully loaded with snacks.
Read the complete column on MormonTimes.com.
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