Review: Ghostland Observatory at First Ave
Austin duo Ghostland Observatory brought their laser light electro-rock dance party to an energetic main room on Friday night. Many fans donned their glitter-covered capes – the sartorial trademark of synth player / percussionist Thomas Ross Turner. Front-man Aaron Behrens was as animated as ever, leading the party with his homemade dance moves. What he lacked in technique, he more tahn made up in enthusiasm. While the set was largely similar to the one they played at the Cabooze last October, no one seemed to mind because, in the end, Ghostland and their fans are less about the creation of music per se, and more about bringing a collective good time, getting dressed up, and jumping around for 90 minutes. And who can begrudge them that?
— Jeremy Hovda
Ghostland Observatory: Myspace

Yes indeed, this is a very accurate description of what I witnessed at the show onFriday! Good work, Jeremy!