Sequins and Skeletons: Lie The Dead

I know very little about international music collective Sequins and Skeletons, except that the group seems to be loosely organized around L.A.’s Justin Hopkins (Rarebit the Destroyer) and they are actively accepting new members (their myspace page includes an invite to join up).  SAS recordings aren’t incredibly easy to come by, but I have been intrigued by one of the few tunes I was able to find “Lie the Dead,” a thirteen plus epic instrumental that completely defies traditional songcraft.  The tune’s first eight minutes or so consist of mostly percussion and guitar, alongside a plethora of found sound recordings, distortion, and scattered vocal mumblings.  Right around the eight minute mark the instrumentals back off to just a few ambient tones over which is cut and pasted staticky snippets of a political radio broadcast, which here and there are complimented by angelic vocal harmonies.  So yeah, in a word, bizarre.  But bizarre in a way that keeps me interested for thirteen long minutes, which in itself is impressive.   But enough of me trying to explain it to you – give a listen and decide for yourself.

Sequins and Skeletons: Lie The Dead

Sequins and Skeletons:          Myspace


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