High Five With Tobias Winterkorn (Junip)

Junip will be performing at the Cedar Cultural Center on November 7th.  Their most recent work, Fields, is out now on Mute Records.   Junip also released the Rope & Summit EP this year to critical acclaim.

1. If you were going on a cross country road trip and could bring a long any three people in the world, who would they be and why?

My first choice would be my family, it would be wierd if I didn’t choose them. But if I should bring someone outside my family it would be: Peter Griffin from “Family Guy”, not a single boring moment there!

Then I would take Jan Björklund along. He’s the school minister of Sweden. I want to talk with him about pedagogy in school and outside school how systems works etc.Then I would love to talk with him about his values and ideas (pedagogical), and hopefully he would come to sense.

The third person should be a musician…Maby George “Jojje” Wadenius, a swedish jazz and rock guitarist. He actually lived in the states and played with “Blood Sweat and Tears”, not a favourite band of mine but still. I would love if he could teach me more guitar playing.

2. What is one album that you feel has changed your life and how?

There are several albums that have inspired me very much, but I guess I would go for: King Crimson’s “Red”. It was a new kind of music for me even if it was already old when I first listened to it. I was 16 years old when I first heard it and I’m 35 now. I haven’t listened to “Red” for mayby 10 years, but it would be fun to listen to it again to see if I still like it.

3. Who is a band that you feel should get more recognition that they do, and why?

Hmmmmmm. I’m so bad at catching up to new and quite old bands although I try. I can’t come up with a specific band because the bands I listen to are quite well known and appriciated. But all bands that love their own music and think that they should get more attention should probably have it.

4. What is your favorite live music memory (performing or attending)?

I can’t come up with a specific event, but a lot of the shows we experienced this year were really great, both in Europe and U.S. There are still a lot of bands that I really want to see, like: NOMO for example.

5. Finish this sentence: “Minneapolis is a great place to…

I hope that this isn’t a slogan that I should know about..but I finish it:…dance and party all night long!

Junip:          Site


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