Mogwai "How to Be a Werewolf" Video

Mogwai “How to Be a Werewolf” (in Thirty Century Man) from Sub Pop Records on Vimeo.


Research conducted by M.D. Kuehl and co-researchers has updated our knowledge about quality of life.

Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week April 17, 2010 A new study, ‘Impact of prior concussions on health-related quality of life in collegiate athletes,’ is now available. “To investigate how self-reported sport-related concussion history affects health-related quality of life in collegiate athletes. Cross sectional. Division I university, Division II university, and a junior college,” scientists in the United States report (see also Quality of Life). at still university

“Three hundred two collegiate athletes (210 men, 92 women). ASSESSMENT OF RISK FACTORS: Participants completed a demographic information sheet and concussion history form; they were then grouped by number of previous self-reported concussions, designated as 0, 1-2, or 3+. The Medical Outcomes Short Form (SF-36) and the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6). Significant differences between groups were found for the bodily pain, vitality, and social functioning subscales of the SF-36. The 3+ group had significantly lower scores for bodily pain (48.1 [+ or -]8.9) compared with the 1-2 group (p=0.028, 52.1 [+ or -]7.7) and 0 group (p <0.01, 53.5 [+ or -]8.3), for vitality (52.4 [+ or -]8.4) compared with the 0 group (p=0.011, 55.9 [+ or -]8.6), and for social functioning (48.5 [+ or -]9.4) compared with the 1-2 group (p=0.028, 51.6 [+ or -]7.3) and 0 group (p=0.003, 51.9 [+ or -]8.1). Significant differences were noted on the HIT-6 total score. The 3+ group reported greater impact of headache (46.7 [+ or -]6.4) than the 1-2 group (p=0.05, 44.6 [+ or -]6.4) and 0 group (p <0.001, 42.9 [+ or -]5.8). The 1-2 group also had higher HIT-6 scores than the 0 group (p=0.033). Results suggest that a collegiate athlete's perception of bodily pain, vitality, social functioning, and headache is adversely affected by previous sport-related concussions," wrote M.D. Kuehl and colleagues, . website at still university

The researchers concluded: “However, by incorporating general and specific outcome measures into the standard evaluation of sport-related concussion, the clinician can better determine how the athlete is responding to treatment and recovery.” Kuehl and colleagues published their study in Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (Impact of prior concussions on health-related quality of life in collegiate athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2010;20(2):86-91).

For additional information, contact M.D. Kuehl, AT Still University, Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Mesa, Arizona 85206 USA.

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