Flaming Lips “Two Blobs Fucking”
Despite being on one of the majoriest of major labels, no one has ever taken the weirdness of the Flaming Lips for granted. The group, who seem to take pleasure in making certain to never become creatively stagnant, are back with another wild and wacky idea. Their latest “song” is the YouTube creation “Two Blobs Fucking,” which is presented in the same fashion as their 1997 four CD opus Zaireeka. “Two Fucking Blobs” is split up into 12 separate videos on the groups YouTube Channel. You just need to find 11 other people (or if you are anti-social you can just get 12 separate computers/smart phones) and hit play at the same time to get the song in all of its glory. The video above is the instructional video on how to properly hear the song, which in and of itself (an instructional video?!) goes to show the Lips haven’t mellowed too much with age.

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