Guante: Conscious is Not Enough Mixtape + Essay
Local rapper/activist/spoken word artist/Reviler writer Guante is a man of many skills, a few of which are combined on his latest effort. He is re-releasing his Mix tape Conscious is Not Enough, which he originally created in 2008, with updates and new songs that make the “current events” referenced in the songs “current.” In addition to the new mix tape, which you can find HERE, Guante wrote a essay on what makes effective “conscious” hip hop, which you can find at his site. He touched on the subject in the past for Reviler, and as always he was eloquent and thought provoking in his new essay. The mix tape is only available for one week, so scoop it up while you can.

Writer / co-founder
Just found this– actually, the mixtape comes out tomorrow (March 29th). I’m not sure what you were trying to link to, haha. Also, it’ll be available for free, forever, not just for a week.
Thanks for the link though!
aH SHIT. Well, trying to patch together why I fucked up this time. I think your last mix tape was out for a week? Or your last mp3?
You need to make press releases simple for us “music writers.” My brain starts hurting and monkeys with cymbals start taking over at about 200 words. If you could just use size 40 font and some pictures that would be best.
Either way, great work as usual and everyone should grab the mix.
Here’s the link: