Heliotrope 8 Lineup Announced
One of our favorite local festivals just announced the lineup today for their 8th year running. The big change this year is that the venue has changed from the Ritz Theater to the Loring Theater near downtown Minneapolis. Drawing from some of the most innovative and interesting acts in our town, Heliotrope is a great 3 day window into what’s happening here. From the psych rock of Daughters Of The Sun to saw and accordion duo Dreamland Faces, the festival once again covers a lot of ground including a performance Friday night of free jazz legend Joe McPhee with drummer Chris Corsano. Don’t miss this one.
International Novelty Gamelan
Falcon Arrow
Hastings 3000
The Fortified Five
Breanna Tandy and the Halcyon Muffin Parallelisms
[TBA: pending moniker evolution…]
Dreamland Faces
FRIDAY, May 27
Mother of Fire
Daughters of the Sun
Tender Meat with Sho & Joe
Joe McPhee & Chris Corsano
Paul Metzger/Adam Linz/JT Bates
Take Acre
Milo Fine & Charles Gillett
Skoal Kodiak
Mondo Drag
Thunderbolt Pagoda
White Mischief
Blood Folke
Jon Jacob 3
Grain Belt
[also: White Map will play whenever they damn well please]
Nice. Can’t wait, although I don’t think I am able to make it Saturday night, which bums me out. Now I am just sitting back and waiting for this to get 60+ comments like the Rock the Garden post. 🙂
Add this to the let of stuff I miss every year due to memorial day weekend :/