Muja Messiah "Superdope"

It has been a minute since we have heard from Muja Messiah, but our buddy Jon Jon from Sound Verite points us to a new track from the Twin Cities rapper. Instead of the usual old school, hard banging tracks that we have come to expect, “Superdope” finds Muja rapping over the 70’s disco song “It Only Takes a Minute” by Tavares. While the backdrop is slightly unusual, the result is just what you would expect from one of the scenes best young MC’s.

Muja Messiah – SUPERDOPE (7minute edit) by blackjon66


Natural ingredients can be powerful.

Countryside & Small Stock Journal January 1, 2001 | Griffith, Mildred COUNTRYSIDE: In regard to your advice on how to get rid of fleas and ticks (Sept./Oct. 2000), I am somewhat apprehensive. Tobacco dust is poisonous and might be irritating to a dog’s skin, if not worse. I would be afraid to use it. Orris root is strong stuff, too. All “natural” products are not safe. go to web site how to get rid of fleas in your house

We’ve always had dogs, usually four at a time — orphans, strays, and housepets that have access to the yard and woods. They are, all flea-free. We just couldn’t live with flea hounds.

At one point years ago we did have an infestation of fleas. I decided they had to go, so I declared war on them and attacked those on the dogs and in the house all at once. After vacuuming the house I sprinkled borax everywhere — floors, under the edges of rugs, under furniture, cushions, etc. and left it there about a week. (Do not put borax on a dog.) In the meantime, I dusted the dogs with a 2% rotenone dust (used for cat flea powder or as garden insecticide). And we started feeding the dogs brewer’s yeast, now called “nutritional” yeast and sold in health food stores. (This is not the same as baker’s yeast). We fed about a teaspoonful a day to a 50 pound dog. site how to get rid of fleas in your house

At the end of the week I cleaned up the borax and have had no more flea problems. We continue to give the dogs their yeast. We take some ourselves (though not for fleas) for nutrition, although it is also supposed to repel mosquitoes. We have been flea-free for years even though the dogs run through the underbrush or lie in the dirt and there have been a number of stray cats hanging around here.

We have ticks, too, both the larger dog ticks and the minute deer ticks which just showed up this year. I don’t know what to do about them other than picking them off.

— Mildred Griffith, 24 Mumford Hill, Rt. 2, Sulton, MA 01590 Griffith, Mildred

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