Sub Pop Record Store Day Sampler
Record Store Day 2011 is now in the dustbin of history, but it will live on forever. At least on Soundcloud. Venerable “indie” label Sub Pop released a big collection of songs, some unreleased, some not, from their always impressive lineup. Hear some of the best below and listen to their whole collection (including cuts from Low, Obits and Fleet Foxes) HERE.
Shabazz Palaces – Lost Foundling by subpop
Lower Dens – Deer Knives by subpop
J Mascis – Not Enough by subpop
Dum Dum Girls – Wrong Feels Right by subpop
Mogwai – Slight Domestic by subpop
Shabazz Palaces – An Echo From The Hosts That Profess Infinitum by subpop

Writer / co-founder