Marijuana Deathsquads Daytrotter Session
Local noise/dance super group Marijuana Deathsquads (aka the better but less known offspring of Ryan Olson, aka Mr. Gayngs) have made about as big as impression as is possible on the local scene for a band without any official recordings to their name. Sure, you can listen to the always great recordings over at Emptys Tapes, but that has been about it so far. While a full length would be pretty awesome, it seems like the trickle out approach will be the best we can get at this point. Which brings us to the reason for this post. MDS recently visited the Daytrotter site to record a three song set for the vener Download the session HERE and witness the group freaking out upper middle class folks next Thursday at the MIA as part of their “Third Thursday” series. Music is at 6pm.

Writer / co-founder