ArrabMuzik “Underground Stream” & “Streetz Tonight”

I don’t know a lot about ArrabMuzik, but it is evident about 10 seconds into his music that he fits nicely in the current trend de jur of dark, dusty samples and hip hop levels of bass and drums. The two songs below, off their new album Electronic Dream, show off the versatility of the music. “Underground Stream” is an almost rave like jaunt, with only spooky vocal samples stopping the block rocking beats and the swirling synth stabs. “Streetz Tonight” shows how the genre can quickly absorb elements of mainstream hip hop and R&B, creating sultry portraits of sound that sound like Madlib making beats for R. Kelly. Some will argue that this music is just the newest fad and will fade away as quick as you can say “chillwave,” but there are always some groups that stick out beyond the shelf life of each trend, and judging by these first two tracks, ArrabMuzik just may be one of those groups.


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