Elite Gymnastics: “Minneapolis Belongs To You”

I wasn’t completely hooked on local duo Elite Gymnastics the first time I heard them.  Chances are good though that that has a lot to do with my own deep reservations with the current glut of 90’s nostalgia in popular culture than it does their actual music.  At least Pitchfork seems to think so (and therefore soon many more will, and so on).  I still feel the same way towards 90’s influenced, smooth electronica (so called “chillwave”) however I am trying to give EG another chance. And I have found that with their recent EP Ruin, I am beginning to hear what the fuss is about.

I was initially attracted to the tune “Minneapolis Belongs To You” because I thought the title was a bit ridiculous.  The tune is a fast paced combination of breakbeats, hushed, reverb-heavy vocals, as well as spacey synthesizer tones.  I particularly like when it sounds like the entire beat gets sucked into the back of the speakers and then spit out again full force. Anyway, I am not sure I am ever going to first guy rushing to the dance floor for this kind of sound but at least I am starting to understand what all the hype is about. Check them out and decide for yourselves – they still have a handful of odds and ends available for download on their tumblr (though Ruin is no longer free).

— Jon Behm

Elite Gymnastics – Minneapolis Belongs To You

Elite Gymnastics:          Site


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