Red Pens “Next Summer”
Local duo Red Pens are taking their time following up their excellent 2009 debut LP Reasons, with only a EP to hold fans over in the subsequent 2+ years. The shoegazy pair have teamed with new local label 25 Diamonds to whet appetites with a 7″, which features the A-side “Next Summer,” which you can find below courtesy of our friend Jon Jon Scott over at Sound Verite. The song captures all that makes the groups so great, from Howard’s thick as mud but sharp as knives guitar work, Laura’s haphazrd but still on point drumming and the breezy, melodic melodies lingering beneath the fuzz. While it isn’t the follow up we would love to see, with a band as good as Red Pens, you take what you can get.
Red Pens -Next summer by blackjon66

Writer / co-founder
Another knockout from Red Pens. goodlook.