Wiping Out Thousands: “I’m A”
The Minneapolis dance music scene is certainly shaping up into something notable. Regardless what you think of genres like dubstep and trip hop, many of the scene’s new artists are undeniably talented. The newest of these is duo Wiping Out Thousands, consisting of vocalist Alaine Dickman and multi-instrumentalist Taylor Nelson. Dickman and Nelson create a moody electronic sound with the latter crafting intense guitar and synth-accented dance beats, while the former sings in a smoky, sultry purr. The duo apparently made quite a stir opening for YACHT the other night at the 7th St. Entry, but otherwise seem to have been pretty quiet over the course of the past year. Their single “Closer” is now making the rounds, but I actually prefer “I’m A,” which is also available via the band’s bandcamp and is a little more gritty and less pop-infused.
—Jon Behm

This track is sick. First serious electronic act to come out of Minneapolis in a WHILE.