After spending the last couple of years distancing himself from his debut LP and disavowing any future use of the ukulele, Dent May is finally back with the proper follow up to Dent May and his Magnificent Ukulele. While we have documented his change in sound over the last 18 months, those not following him closely might be surprised as they hear his latest work. While the songs still are flush with irony and contain a heavy dose of tongue in cheek tomfoolery, his more stripped down, uke driven sound has been turned on its head. The new Dent May sound, as evidenced by “Best Friend,” the first track from LP2 Do Things, is lushly produced and driven by borderline cheesy synth exploration. While his uke based worked seem to indicate a nerdy, sex deprived loner, his new material seems to imply a logical next step, one where he is at the parties he only could talk about before. Do Things will drop this spring on the Animal Collective imprint Paw Tracks.
DRAGON AGE 2 (PS3) […].(Features)
Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England) March 13, 2011 DRAGON AGE 2 (PS3) ANOTHER EA game this week and yet another one of their grittier titles.
Quite rightly tagged with an 18 rating, this is a fairly grisly hack and slash fantasy adventure that should be a big hit with fans of this genre.
Developers Bioware produce the hugely popular Mass Effect games and it’s easy to see the similarities between the games.
It’s an epic adventure from the very off and one packed full of everything a game should have, a good storyline, catchy gameplay and high-end visuals. go to website dragon age 2 characters
You play over a ten-year time span as Hawke a refugee from a destroyed homeland fighting back from the brink of survival in a quest for power.
The game isn’t just role-play/hack and slash as in Mass Effect and games like the Fable series. The emphasis is also on moral decisions. It plays out how you want it to rather than just setting you off on a very linear path.
It does conform to far too many fantasy conventions for my liking, though.
It never feels that genuine and it never makes you think you are playing something that special. website dragon age 2 characters
The characters are good but fairly stiff at times and you don’t feel any real affinity with them.
That’s not to say this is a bad game, it really isn’t. It’s very playable and the outstanding presentation will leave you agog at times.
It’s an epic fantasy adventure with a bucketload of quality. It just doesn’t break any boundaries along the way.
It also fails to offer an extensive gameplay experience, the gaming world doesn’t feel that big and it’s only about 25 hours of gameplay.
Great fun though.
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