Totally Gross National Party 2012!
We here at Reviler are big fans of the eclectic work that comes out on or is supported by local label Totally Gross National, and their Totally Gross National Party last summer at Club Jager was one of the most fun local concerts of 2011. Despite being pulled into a whole new arena with the continued success of Polica, the label is back at it again with the TGNP 3 happening on September 9th at the new-ish venue Icehouse in South Minneapolis. The show will set you back $10 and will run from 5:00PM until bar close, also serving as the release party for the new Marijuana Deathsqauds mixtape titled TAMPER, DISABLE, DESTROY, so there will be lots to celebrate. The lineup, so far, is listed below, but more acts are promised.
Marijuana Deathsquads
Tha Clerb (Mike Mictlan, Lizzo, La Manchita, Spyder Baybie, Slapping Purses, 2% Muck)
Tender meat
Plain Ole Bill
Slapping Purses
Leisure Birds
Heavy Deeds
Father You See Queen
Lewis + Burnett
Writer / co-founder