Iceage “Ecstasy” & “Coalition”

Let the backlash begin. If you hadn’t already decided a side in the love/hate battle over, Iceage, a group of young punks from Denmark, here is your chance. After making waves with their terse, powerful and confident debut LP New Brigade, which garnered across the board praise from the music critics society of America, the group are back for their (somewhat) highly anticipated sophomore LP. And they signed with a MAJOR LABEL! Gasp. Check out two of the songs from their forthcoming Matador released LP2 You’re Nothing below, including the propulsive sludge of “Ecstasy” and the jittery punk of “Coalition.” Both sound a lot like their debut record, tracks sewn together with teenage angst, filtered through fuzzy post-punk, delivered in brief burst of youthful energy. Even with label backing, I’m not sure America-at-large is ready for the brand of shenanigans that Iceage are selling, but don’t let that harsh your mellow about them. Spin magazine will soon tell you they are here to save rock and roll. They are the nest big thing, man. Listen below and see where you fall on the great Iceage fault line. If you can’t decide conclusively, check out the young four piece when they roll through town on April 7th at the Triple Rock Social Club.

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