Introducing: Inflatable Best Friend + Show Tonight!
The midwest has a great history of small scenes of bands popping up all over. Inflatable Best Friend hails from Kalamazoo, MI which while only a few hours from Chicago and Detroit, is only a small college town of 75,000 people. Recently they’ve teamed up with Minneapolis’ own Bongonya for a split 7″. “Beelzebum” opens up the Inflatable Best Friend’s side with a jangly sort of garage rock chord progression before the band kicks into something a bit sludgier, layered vocals pushing the track into some great Sonic Youth style guitar madness. “750 Dollar Ambulance Ride” follows a similar path but hits with some heavier riffing. Bongonya’s side is just a single track to IBF’s two songs but kicks things right into a breakneck riff before settling on a great stoner rock groove. The 7″ is now available from Don’t Panic, It’s A Distro.
Inflatable Best Friend plays the Hexagon Bar tonight with The Grow Fangs, Warp Rider and Hastas. Facebook event for more info.
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