Darkside “What They Say” + “Gone Too Soon”


Darkside really blew me away with their initial three song EP, and followed with the even more critically acclaimed Pyschic LP. Now, the duo have released two songs that didn’t make the cut for Psychic. Both are outstanding and showcase that even the songs the band leave on the cutting floor are more dynamic than most of what everyone else is putting out as a lead single. “What They Say” has a rollicking synth line and silky smooth guitar that meld into a slightly hazy beat, creating the feeling of a late night walk in the heart of the city. “Gone Too Soon” is a bit more funky and builds off a four-on-the-floor bass drum thud and a galloping synth bass line. Like other songs on Psychic, their is singing that makes it feel a bit more grounded, but it still takes many detours and features a scintillating breakdown in the middle, with the duo building back up to a boil before fading into the abyss. The new songs came with the very bad news that the group are taking a break for now, but hopefully they won’t be gone for too long.

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1 Response

  1. Stutter says:

    Rad. Thanks for posting! “What They Say” Is a cool track.

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