Video: L’Assassins “Fire of Love” (7″ Release Show TONIGHT!)
You get the impression from local four piece L’Assassins that they create songs in order to serve their desire to make music videos, which runs counter to the usual process for most bands. Their latest output is the song “Fire of Love,” for which you can see the video for above. You can stream and order the corresponding 7″ HERE, but the video for the streamlined, 50’s leaning garage punk seems to be the medium where the band really threw down their chips, so start there.
The limited edition seven-inch vinyl will be released on Friday September 18th via Piñata Records with a release party at Lee’s Liquor Lounge. The full lineup includes Krank Daddies, Black Widows and DJ Travis Ramin. Full details and RSVP HERE.

Writer / co-founder