Fog return with the knotty, outstanding “Tying” Video

Despite what a local click-bait institution may tell you, Fog’s history in the scene runs both deep and wide. Led by the laconic Andrew Broder, their mix of indie, pop, beats, noise and about a dozen other genres always came up diamonds. The group is back with the album For Good, which drops in April on Totally Gross National Product. Tense, wobbly, wide-eyed, melodic, off-kilter and more, “Trying” is a Fog jumping right back into the pool on the deep end, cannonball style The video only adds the the frantic nature of the song. Watch it without trying to stick your hands through the screen to help Mr. Broder, I dare you. After a break to do solo work, beats for solo both solo work and rappers and the Fog-gone-classic-rock supergroup The Cloak Ox, we are excited Broder is back leading his touchstone project. We’re looking forward to hearing the whole LP, and we’ll cover developments as they roll out.

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