Do Look Back: Fraser & DeBolt
You remember Fraser & DeBolt, right? Amazing psychedelic folk duo from Canada from back in the late sixties/early seventies? Ringing any bells? Probably not. Even if you were alive at that time, it’s pretty likely that Fraser & DeBolt flew right under your radar. Nearly half a decade later and the duo still languishes in obscurity (though their few records have developed a small cult following). If you are interested in hearing the best of Fraser & DeBolt its relatively easy – check out With Ian Guenther and With Pleasure, the band’s two recorded albums for Columbia (particularly the former). If that just wets your appetite, well I am sorry to tell you that there isn’t much more. Your best option is to check out a double album of demos and outtakes just put out last month by local label Roaratorio. It’s an excellent collection of tunes that spotlights the duo’s ability to coax gorgeous melodies from a seemingly ramshackle approach to songwriting. Fraser & DeBolt’s sound is such that it can come off as unrehearsed and unpolished, whereas in reality every note was meticulously planned. Off kilter notes, odd vocal timings, it’s all part of the design. And it makes sense – songs these good don’t just spring from sudden inspiration. They take time and effort, and that attention to detail shows even in the outtakes. You can stream a couple songs from This Song Was Borne below and if you dig them pick up the double LP from Roaratorio here.
— Jon