Listen to POS and friends go all-in on the outstanding, nine-minute “sleepdrone/superposition”
POS has been through a lot over the last few years, the details of which you can find using your local google outlet, and that tension, along with his evolution as an artist, are on full display on the epic “sleepdrone/superposition,” which you can stream above. Like he began to do on his 2012 LP We Don’t Even Live Here, Stef has melded his incisive rap persona with his Marijuana Deathsquads noisy madman to great impact. Joined by an all star cast of Allan Kingdom, Astronautalis, Eric Mayson, Kathleen Hanna, Hard_R, Lydia Liza, Lizzo and Nicholas L. Perez, somehow feels short despite its length. A metallic and bombastic beat crashes into inspired lyrics peeling back the ugly veneer of our society. The supporting cast clearly bring their A game to match the buzzing energy this song creates. Enough of me. Clear your calendar for 30 minutes and hit play on this outstanding song, and be ready to hit repeat.

Writer / co-founder