Get to Know the Bands Performing at the Reviler 6.25 Anniversary Party: MaLLy Edition
Reviler is celebrating 6.25 years in the biz by throwing a show at the Triple Rock on 4/29. It will feature Kill the Vultures, Crown Larks, MaLLy, and American Cream. We will spend some time this week highlighting the awesome bands who will be hitting the stage Friday night. Doors at 9pm, tickets are $8 in advance (here) or $10 at the door. Info/RSVP HERE. Hope to see you there!
MaLLy has been no stranger to stages everywhere, from giving face melting performances as part of First Avenue’s Best New Bands Showcase, or opening for Brother Ali on the Home Away From Home Tour, MaLLy harkens back to the days when the East Coast narrative and lyricism dominated the landscape, however, MaLLy is far different providing his own spin using his upbringing and determination to outline the man he wanted to be, such as on the upbeat and jovial “The Last Great…,” to the man he almost became, on the dark, desolate “The Colors of Black.” To get you introduced to MaLLy before he gives another face-melting performance as part of our 6.25 anniversary at Reviler, here’s how you should get familiar!
— Ali, @egyptoknuckles
Mally & The Sundance Kid “The Last Great…” review / Stream
Mally “Strange Rhythm” review / Stream
Mally “The Colors of Black” review / Stream
Cloud Culture
The Renaissance
Heir Time
Good One (featuring K.Raydio)
Bounce (featuring RP Hooks)
City of Fear
Everything Else But Me

Really like the old school sample/beat at the beginning of cloud culture. Never heard of this MaLLy guy, but will have to check him out