Introducing: The fuzzy garage pop of JiLL (single release show tonight!)

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JiLL make the kind of meat-and-potates fuzzy garage pop that sounds like the feeling of the first sip of a cool beer on a hot summer night. You aren’t sure exactly why it hits the spot, but it does. On “Calico Cool,” the drums and guitar duo wrap classic guitar lines, warm melodies and a focused production into an airtight pop jam. If the process isn’t broke, why fix it? This is a song that sounds like what you want to hear coming from a stage at a summer festival: expansive but not overblown, classic sounding without being redundant. Check out the song below and see the band live tonight at their single release show with Silverback Colony and Monica LaPlante.

Find out more about the show tonight at DayBlock Brewing in Minneapolis, and RSVP, HERE.

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