All the Minnesota References in the Minnesota County Financial & Accounting Reporting Standards

The new guidelines were published in the Minnesota County Financial & Accounting Reporting Standards (COFARS) last Friday and you will never guess who spent the whole weekend rolling around in them like pigs in mud. That’s right, your boys at Reviler have you covered!  Given the Office of the State Auditor’s deep ties to Minnesota, we just knew that there had to be some juicy references dropped to our state. And we weren’t disappointed! Within the guidelines’ many many pages of detail on state accounting practices, there are all kinds of cool references that only us locals will understand

Straight off the bat we’ve got a footer on every page of the document that says “Minnesota” on it. Did you miss it? You probably ignore footers, right? But those pranksters down at Rebecca Otto’s offices undoubtedly added them in on the sly so that in-the-know Minnesotans like you and me will know “hey, I LIVE there.”  Whoohoo, Minnesota!      

And would you look at that! A reference to Saint Paul, a city in Minnesota (some would say its capital city but don’t tell Minneapolis, amirite?). Of course us Minnesotans recognize where we come from. You guys remember Saint Paul, right? Classic. And who could forget Mike Hatch’s term as attorney general? Totally retro. I’m surprised there isn’t a reference to the Uptown Bar or Foxfire in this thing!

Hold up, is that a call-out to “any city, Minnesota”? I think that’s a Coen Brothers reference. Plus you’ve been to Any City, I’m sure. You’ve got your Lutherans, your jello salads, your borderline maniacal localism – you guys know what I’m talkin’ about!

This is a tricky one but we’re pretty sure there’s a Minnesota reference in here somewhere. Can you spot it? Let us know in the comments! 

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