Introducing: The Babe Rainbow / Show Tonight
If nothing else, The Babe Rainbow seem committed to their genre. The Australian threepiece embodies 60’s/70’s throwback psychedelic pop – possibly more so than the genre’s originators. The band hails from Byron Bay, New South Wales, and when their not touring according to this interview they work on a vegetable farm and record in a bookshop-cum-studio. With long unkept hair, vintage duds, and youthful spirit, they look like what the Zombies sounded like (The Zombies after all, looked pretty square). And they do a pretty good job on the musical end too – producing hazy, sunkissed rock n’ roll melodies that find a sweet spot between groovy pop sensibility and a more garage oriented rock sound. Thus far they have a very promising EP to their name, which you can stream below (and pick up here). OR, just check them out at the Triple Rock tonight where they open for the Allah-Las (tix). Should be an excellent show!
— Jon