Introducing: Wood Chickens (Show Saturday!)

Hailing from Madison, WI’s fertile underground scene, Wood Chicken’s Countrycide is billed as their “debut album” but a glance through their bandcamp page will give you 3 full length collections, a couple 7″s, a split tape and a wild live set from 2015. If the Meat Puppets fused their hardcore and country days or the Dead Kennedys played with some twang, you’d have a good idea of where Wood Chickens come from. Kicking things off at breakneck speeds with “Time Don’t Stop For Nobody”, Countrycide is full of songs about skunk apes, tough guys in trucks, demon children and most everything else you want a great country flavored album to cover. The album gets to the point over its 13 songs at a rapid pace with very few songs even topping the two minute mark, save for the surfy Sun City Girls-evoking “King Of Siam” and the fast-forward-into-slow-motion twang of “Desert Highway” which hit 5 and 4 minutes respectively. Just in case you felt things might be getting a little bit long, the sing along cowpunk of “Full Speed Ahead” kicks you right back where you need to be. The band has been relentlessly touring so if the previously mentioned live tape didn’t sell you I’ll tell you first hand that they’re a live show not to be missed.


Wood Chickens play Grumpys Downtown Saturday night with The Cult Of Lip and Leche (Austin, TX). It’s free and you can learn more things about it right here.

Wood Chickens – Full Speed Ahead from Mental Momentum Productions on Vimeo.

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