Get lost in the ambience of new Bitchin Bajas track “Circles on Circles”
I’ve found over the years that I don’t like songs that bring me to a logical place. A song about love, or heartbreak, or wandering, can be done well (or poorly), but they can only be what they are. Songs that have no form or outline, tracks that are more questions than answers, those I can get behind. In conjunction with that revelation, Bitchin Bajas have become a band I always check out when they have new material as they are first-class cosmic wanderers. You can get a taste of their style on the new “Circles on Circles,” which ebbs and flows over eight minutes of hypnotic synths and taut drum machines. It is a song that is easy to get lost inside, allowing you to stretch out your legs and wander around your mind. Listen below and look out for the forthcoming Bajas Fresh LP from the group that will drop on Drag City this fall.

Writer / co-founder