Lucid VanGuard – “Foolish Lover” / EP Release In January

Emerging local label Kremblems has a roster that includes a number of bands that share members – almost seeming like more of a collective than a typical label. For instance bands Lucid VanGuard and 26 Bats! appear to have the exact same members, just under two different band names. It seems like a head scratcher at first until you hear how different the bands are – Lucid VanGuard’s placid indie pop sound is a contrast to the soul/R&B of the group when they do their 26 Bats! thing. 

The group has their Lucid VanGuard caps firmly on for their upcoming EP release Pseudo Spirits which will be available later this month. You can get a taste for LVG’s end of the spectrum on the video for “Foolish Lover” above which was directed by band member Karl Remus. The single includes a richly produced, hazy pop sound which fits nicely with Remus’s dreamy visuals. 

     — Jon


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