Check Out Some Great Songs from U.S. Girls, Kamasi Washington and P.O.S Ahead of Rock the Garden 2018 Saturday
With the latest installment of Rock the Garden on our doorstep, it seemed like a chance to highlight some music from a few of the artists I am most looking forward to seeing Saturday afternoon outside of the Walker Art Center. Check out real old (“De La Souls” off POS debut album Audition!), kinda old (the timeless jam “Overtime” by U.S. Girls from earlier this decade) and fairly new from Kamasi Washington. The first two are songs are ones that have been steady rotation since I first hear them, and the Kamasi is one of many I could choose off either his outstanding The Epic LP or his most recent EP. All three artists should be great under the blazing sun. Check out the full lineup, info, etc at the official RTG website and look for a live blog and photos on Reviler later this weekend!
U.S. Girls “Overtime”
Overtime – U.S. Girls from M. Remy on Vimeo.
P.O.S “De La Souls”
Kamasi Washington “Change of the Guard”

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