Introducing: Felted

Local quartet Felted released a little nugget of intensity earlier this year in their self-titled cassette.  The album art, consisting of a yellow jacket within the kind of bubble you see those tiny vending machine toys encapsulating, seems pretty appropriate. It’s a pretty big sting in a small package. 
The sting comes courtesy of the lead singer’s dense and emotive lyricism, screamed over squalls of manic guitar, bass, and drums. The instrumentation ratchets up and down from song to song but the singing, whether loud or quiet, carries the same level of weighted intensity throughout. When the lyricism isn’t striking it feels like it’s just getting coiled up and ready for the next blow. 
You can listen to the whole album at the band’s bandcamp page below. They don’t appear to have any other web presence besides that so it’s probably as good a place as any to stay tuned for news. Otherwise, look for their name around local bills around town as I am willing to bet their live performance is something to behold. 
    — Jon

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