Listen the beautiful, fuzzy ambient hymns of Leighton Craig’s Diamond Eye

Leighton Craig describes his music as “fuzzy hymnals,” which is a pretty apt description. The songs on his new LP Diamond Eye are lo-fi, brittle and hymn-like, and are some of the most haunting and beautiful songs I have heard in a long time. It doesn’t seem like he used much more than organ tones and his voice, but the result is an enchanting album that has had me in a vex through a multitude of listens. Like the cover art, it is simple in a way that isn’t rudimentary and somehow both aspirational and soul-crushing. It is an album that seems to float in the ether, and feels like it could form around whatever feelings you are having at the time. It could soundtrack a lonely late night, a sunrise walk or a night by the fire. Or, I suppose, it could be a hymn and accompany some sort of religious experience. In the dead of winter, in a time when things seem consistently unsettled, this album has been a flickering candle that has both caught my focus and let me fade away at the same time. It is a stunning album from an Australian artist I somehow had never heard before. I am interested in diving into his back catalog, but for now it will have to wait as I can’t seem to peel myself away from Diamond Eye.

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