Atlas Kept His Gripes To Himself and Did His Job: Heavy Minnesota Music – Show Announcement: Comets ov Cupid, Darkrad, Psychomantic the Ritual Death Cult|Saturday, Feb. 2nd @ Moon Palace Books

Music of the End Times

The performing arts and the occult have long been bedfellows, but the results of that collaboration are historically…inconsistent (at best). Local record label/collective Music of the End Times, however, have never failed to raise a little Hell while the material world falls around them. The seasons are feeling restless, and to celebrate the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox Music of the End Times is conducting Imbolc Rituals at Moon Palace Books this Saturday, February 2nd.

The evening begins with the disassembling electronic assault of Psychomantic the Ritual Death Cult.

PtRDC acts as local provocateur Kevin Cosgrove’s direct link to the more propulsive and chaotic humours of our world, always critical of existence, yet always engaging. If Ivo Shandor were throwing parties in today’s metropolis, Psychomantic the Ritual Death Cult would be the perfect DJ to spin the world into oblivion.

Comets ov Cupid

Gothic guitar guru Jason Kesselring will sit in with evocative industrial architects Darkrad next, but join Erik Wivinus and Matt Entsminger, on bass and drums respectively, as Comets ov Cupid, a space rock trio proclaiming a pandemic pagan prayer that could evoke (not to mention deafen) Cthulhu.

Winter has finally chosen to show her teeth, and she’s wearing corpse paint this year. But we’re halfway to spring.
Revel in the respite from this Norwegian-black-metal-cold this Saturn’s Day at Moon Palace Books, 3032 Minnehaha Avenue.
The St. Brigid’s Day celebration starts at 9:00 PM, and there is a door fee of $5-$10.
This hootenanny is a 21+ event.

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