Jacob Pavek’s “NOME” Out Today
I have always been fascinated by the way that music and images can come together in film to produce a kind of emotional resonance that neither medium can achieve alone. For that reason I love soundtracks/scores, often because the songs are inextricably tied to memorable visual moments. In fact there have been a number of songs that upon listening, I find unremarkable, but in the context of a film “unlocks” their potential.
Local composer Jacob Pavek’s music is not a film score. However Pavek creates works that are so emotionally resonant that their potential needs no visual support. Listening to his latest work, NOME, it’s not hard to imagine the work telling a story. NOME contains eight beautifully orchestrated instrumental pieces – mainly Pavek on the piano supported by string accompaniment. Each tune packs a hefty weight, mainly of a poignant melancholy aspect but with moments of uplifting passion.
The interpretation is all in the ear of the beholder and each listener brings their own baggage to the table. Perhaps what sounds sad and heart-rending to me will sound the opposite to the next guy. What I feel is inarguable though is that Pavek’s music conveys strong emotions, and that is perhaps the prix d’excellence in instrumental music. Listen for yourself below and decide what it means to you.
NOME officially becomes available today via Unperceived Records. You can order it here.
— Jon