Introducing: The Dreamy Pysch Pop of Blue Tomorrows (New Project from Sarah of Candace/Web of Sunsets/Gospel Gossip)
Sarah Nienaber is a name that is familiar to Minnesota music fans, even if she moved out of state many years ago to head West. As far as I can tell, Nienaber continues to perform as/with Candace and Web of Sunsets, but her new project is called Blue Tomorrows and is releasing their debut CS on Moon Glyph this fall. Her hazy blend of songwriting has always straddled the dreamy and psychedelic divide, and anytime she has a new project it is always good news. There is only one song to base this off so far, but it seems like Without Color will be another perfect collection to soundtrack the coming Minnesota autumn, much like her previous releases have done in the past.
You can listen to the song “Sound of Moving” above and pre-order the tape or digital copy of Without Color via the bandcamp link below.

Writer / co-founder