Introducing: KOKOKO! / September Show

Anyone with a passing familiarity with the music of the Democratic Republic of Congo know that the country seems to produce a surplus of fantastic musicians. Konono No.1, Staff Benda Bilili, and Mbongwana Star are just a couple relatively recent examples and the country has a long history of them.
The latest sensation to emerge from Kinshasa is called KOKOKO!, a DIY collective comprised of a French DJ and four Congolese musicians who play instruments like one-string guitars and percussion made from recycled scrap materials. They produce a thrilling and anarchic blend of distinctly African electro punk that is directly influenced by the sights and sounds of the teeming metropolis of Kinshasa.
The Twin Cities is lucky to be hosting KOKOKO! this coming week at the Cedar Cultural Center, a show produced in partnership with the Walker Art Center (tix / info). You can check out the video below to get an idea of what the band is all about and if you dig it, grab your tickets early as it should be an amazing show!
— Jon