Stream Minami Deutsch’s “Can’t Get There” EP / Show Friday

Since Tokyo’s Minami Deutsch will be opening for the fabulous Kikagaku Moyo at the Turf Club later this week (tix/info) we thought it best to check out their sound (also, it’s not exactly difficult to turn us on to exciting new krautrock bands).
While Minami Deutsch’s kraut influences are front and center, they also throw some techno influences into the mix to color outside the lines. And while you might think that they are just doubling down on their repetition, MD are adept at finding interesting ways to continually add textures to their extended grooves.
You can check out some of what they are about in their most recent EP, Can’t Get There, below (out now on Höga Nord Rekords) electronic influences are in sharper relief on the two remixes of the title track, and the kraut side is front and center on the EP’s three original songs.
Make sure you get to the Turf Club early enough to check these guys out as if you are a Kikagaku Moyo fan, you will doubtlessly enjoy what Minami Deutsch are putting down as well.
— Jon