Drone Not Drones VII Will be Yours To Purchase and Stream in Your Living Room on May 1st

The gift of Drone Not Drones comes in phases. First the announcement in the late fall/early winter. Then the event, always the middle to end of January when the winter doldrums are really kicking in and sleeping on the floor of the Cedar listening to drone music in the pitch dark sounds like a blissful escape. Then a few months later you get the chance to listen to a high-quality recording of the entire 28-hour drone via the DND bandcamp page. And at each step you can help support the great Doctors Without Borders.
This year you can grab the whole drone this Friday, May 1st. This Friday is also one of the days (every first Friday for next three months) where Bandcamp is waiving their fees and all the money is going to the artist, and in this case that means more money for a good cause. You can get 28-hours of music for “name your price” (minimum $10, but pay what you can) via the bandcamp player below. Four of the “sets” are currently streaming and the whole night-day-night will be live this Friday.

Writer / co-founder