Bandcamp Friday: The retro synth-pop of ‘from earth to vega” by Lilac Fortress

Lilac Fortress are a duo* who have been churning out slick, retro synth-pop over the last year that calls back to the genre’s halcyon days. Their new single, “From Earth to Vega,” captures the same vibe, from the single artwork (and title) to the amalgamation of thick synth lines, sharp guitar stabs, distressed vocals and subdued-yet-propulsive drum machine march.
Since today (3/5) is Bandcamp Day, a monthly event where every dollar you spend goes directly to the band, you can buy the track and their whole back catalog and all of the money will go directly to the band, with the website waiving their usual fee. Buy Buy Buy!
*full disclosure that one of the two is Adam Bubolz, who is a founder and writer on this site with me. But don’t worry, we’re like the Bluth family where we don’t even really like each other and are just in it for the money and power, so you can count on us being honest brokers to bringing you the hippest jams out there.

Writer / co-founder