Watch a Series of Videos From Low’s Stunning 2021 LP HEY WHAT
If you somehow missed Low’s stunning HEY WHAT album last year, let this be your chance to right that wrong as we head full steam into 2022. The album, 30 years into the band’s career, is an album that sonically, musically and lyrically is as vibrant, challenging and life-affirming as anything I’ve heard in years.
Continuing the trend from the last few albums, they’ve taken their unmatched ability to create minimalist songs that hit like a sledge hammer with a newfangled ability to, with the help of producer BJ Burton, create sonic tapestries that wash over you like a electrical storm. We’ve talked about the record on the site before (and will again if we get the chance, damnit) but this post collects the latest video from the LP (“I Can Wait,” above) with a handful of videos from other standout tracks on the record.
You can stream/purchase the whole amazing record at Low’s Bandcamp page.

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